Zombie Fight or Flight is a card game developed by mediators from Vancouver BC and Seattle WA as an innovative tool to promote in the form of a really entertaining card game. Whether it is promoting teamwork and cooperation in classrooms or in families, an icebreaker for a mediation, or a training exercise in a dispute resolution course, this game is an great product for dispute resolution professionals. The game is extremely portable (just a simple deck of cards), easy to learn, and plays quickly (20 minutes max) and so it is an easy addition to the mediator's toolbox.
The creators, collectively known at PignPotato Games, first developed the game in June 2016 at a CoRe Jolt's game jam weekend. PignPotato then worked with artist Rachel Petrovich to create an exciting, but not too scary, game where player must work together to survive zombie attacks as they try to find their path to safety. (For those of legal drinking age looking for a cooperative party game, a second version of the game is also available, known as Drunken Zombie Fight or Flight)
The prototype of the game premiered at the 2016 Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia's Dispute Resolution Conference, and also were featured at CLEBC's CLE training entitled "Negotiation Skills for the Zombie Apocalypse. From Halloween to Black Friday, PignPotato then ran a successful Kickstarter campaign to raise the funding necessary to order a the game's first print run. Games were immediately printed and delivered before Christmas 2016.
In 2017, the game has appeared at Orcacon, an analog gaming convention in Everrett, Washington that promotes inclusiveness in gaming. The game has upcoming events to promote Family Week in British Columbia, rescheduled from February due to weather. The games's creators will be panelists at the 2017 Emerald City Comic Con, and will be conducting an interactive lunchtime session at the 2017 Northwest Dispute Resolution Conference.
For complete information, see Pignpotato.com.
Currently, Pignpotato's online store located here at negotiationandmediation.training