Zombie Fight or Flight loves bats and Archie McFees

One of the best parts of being part of the PigNPotato team is that by working on Zombie Fight or Flight (collaborative card game, kickstarting Halloween 2016)  I can pretend to justify extra zombie shopping trips to Archie McFees. I dropped by on Monday for a brain shaped jello molds and some extra zombie finger puppets, and ended up getting so many more undead treasures- (yes I also bought the plastic brains... and the vintage calender girl who I zombified this weekend)

I probably should not tell you about their raffle, as it lowers my shot at winning- but as it benifits bats, I must. Until the Halloween drawing, drop by the store (on Wallingford in Seattle) and you can enter the raffle with the change floating around you car (just 13 cents an entry). The prize is $25 of halloween themed loot.  If I don't win, I hope you do.  
